Public Request Inquiry Data Exchange

Starting 2/1/2024, PRIDE will ONLY service Code Enforcement and Private Property issues, including Turtle Lighting. For Public Property matters, visit SJC Connect.

The PRIDE program is an online service that allows citizens to communicate with their local government. It is a work order system used to document complaints or issues, and then track how the County responds. Members of the public can enter an issue directly into the PRIDE system.


Enter a complaint

You can enter a complaint or request (issue) by entering the information into the online Request Submittal form.

Please note: A person who reports a potential violation of a code or an ordinance must provide his or her name & address to the respective local government before an enforcement proceeding may occur.

Submit a complaint or request

An incident number is assigned

After incident number is assigned, the issue is automatically routed to the appropriate County department.

Investigation begins

The receiving department begins an investigation and notates each action it takes to resolve the issue.

Track progress

Track the progress of the issue by referencing the incident number.

Check status

Issue is resolved

When the issue is resolved, the department marks the action as completed.

Please note that Florida has very broad Public Records Laws. Written or electronic communications, including PRIDE complaints or reports and all information contained therein, are public records and subject to being available to the public and media upon request.