Water / Sewer Service Forms
Bill Payment Options
Utility customers are billed monthly, and payments are due monthly.
If You Do Not Receive A Bill, Please Contact Our Office at (904) 209-2700, Option 4, Monday- Friday, 7:30 am to 4:30 pm.
Payment Options
- Automatic Payment Program: Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover & E-Check
- By Phone: Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover & E-Check. Call 1-844-SJCUTIL / 1-844-752-8845.
- Online Bill Pay is now available! Pay Your Bill Online.
Our automated phone system and Online Bill Pay are available 24 hours a day / 7 days a week, to make a payment, check your account balance, and view your payment history.
Rate Information
Utility Rate Sheet
Establish New Service
You may apply for new water/sewer service by calling Customer Service at (904) 209-2700.
A $100.00 deposit is due at the time of application, and a $30.00 new service charge will be added to the first month’s bill.
New water and sewer service accounts established before noon will be turned on the same day.
Water and/or Wastewater Deposit
Every user of the County Water and/or Wastewater service system shall pay or cause to be paid a deposit of $100.00 as required in County Ordinance 2022-37.
A copy of the Ordinance can be viewed at the Utility Department or the Clerk of Court website.
Close an Account/Discontinue Service
Customers may apply for Disconnection of Service:
- in person at the Utility department,
- by phone at (904) 209-2700,
- via fax,
- or email via this form.
If the request is not made in person, an additional form of identification such as customer’s last 4 digits of their Social Security Number or Driver’s License Number is required.