Special Use Permits

*Special Event Permitting has moved

Sand being pumped onto the beach and being formed into new dune/berm by heavy machinery.

Coastal Construction Permit

Apply for Coastal Construction Permit



Contact St. Johns County Building Department for coordination and consultation of building permit (904) 827-6800.



Watch the Protected Species Training slideshow 
(Currently being updated – Please contact araybould@sjcfl.us or 904-209-3740).



Complete Quiz
(Currently being updated – Please contact araybould@sjcfl.us or 904-209-3740)

Please save quiz to your computer or mobile device, complete quiz, save, use SUBMIT button or attach to email and send to araybould@sjcfl.us.



Complete and sign the Beach Access Permit application (PDF)

2 ways to submit your application:

  1. Submit in Person – Print application, complete and sign, scan, and return to araybould@sjcfl.us
  2. Submit by Email – Save application to your computer or mobile device and complete, save, use SUBMIT button or attach to email and send to araybould@sjcfl.us



Email araybould@sjcfl.us with the application and completed quiz.

Ashley Raybould Environmental Supervisor

Habitat Conservation Plan Coordinator

Need Technical Assistance?

Acrobat Reader is required to view and/or complete the application on your computer and to sign with a digital signature.

If you have technical difficulty with the training, please email webmast@sjcfl.us so that we may assist you.

Fishing rods on side of boat on ocean

Commercial Fishing Permit

Apply for Commercial Fishing Permit


Commercial Fishing on County Beaches

From May 1 – October 31 commercial fishermen must obtain a permit by completing Protected Species Training (below) to fish commercially on County beaches. Permits are free. Training must be completed annually.

Apply for Commercial Fishing Permit

5 Steps for Your Permit



Watch the Protected Species Training slideshow (PDF)

(Will be updated in the future, please contact joneill@sjcfl.us or 904-209-0619)



Complete Quiz (PDF)

(Will be updated in the future, please contact joneill@sjcfl.us or 904-209-0619)
Please save quiz to your computer or mobile device to complete.



Complete and Sign Application (PDF)
Please save application to your computer or mobile device to complete.


Come In

Call ahead to make an appointment to obtain permit – only available on Mondays.

Bring your signed application and Saltwater Product License with RS endorsement.

Jade O’Neill
3171 Coastal Hwy
St. Augustine, FL 32084
(904) 209-0619
Attn: Fishing Permit


Receive Permit

You must arrive in the vehicle you are obtaining a permit for with an annual beach pass affixed to dashboard.

Current annual pass affixed to passenger side of windshield, 4×4 or all wheel drive vehicle (no ATVs, motorcycles, etc.) Annual passes can be purchased at any toll booth from March 1 – Labor Day. Current State Saltwater Product License with Restricted Species (RS) endorsement.

Jade O’Neill Environmental Specialist

Need Technical Assistance?

Acrobat Reader is required to view and/or complete the application on your computer and to sign with a digital signature.

If you have technical difficulty with the training, please email webmast@sjcfl.us so that we may assist you.

Women horseback riding on the beach shoreline

Horseback Riding Permit

Apply for Horseback Riding Permit


St. Johns County Beach Riding Updates 

  • Mickler’s Landing – Open – 1109 1/2 Ponte Vedra Blvd. Designated Horse Trailer Parking.
  • Exxon Beach Access – Open – 505 Guana River Rd. Beach access is managed by the GTMNERR is available for rides below the mean high water line only. All St. Johns County rules and regulations for riding on the beach will apply. Follow signs for “Boat Launch Parking” after paying entrance fee. Please contact GTMNERR for parking and access information: 904-380-8600.
  • Surfside Beach Access – Open – 3070 Coastal Hwy. Parking limitations may require multiple-point turn maneuvers; beach entrance by way of Surfside Ramp.
  • South Beaches – Open – Frank Butler Park East; 5860 A1A S. Overflow Parking: 5780 Gloria Ave. Beach entrance by way of Mary Street Ramp. Last day for rides this year will be Friday March 14, 2025.

Horseback Riding on County Beaches FAQs

  • Cost. Permits are free of charge.
  • Clean Up. Please be considerate by treating the beaches, accesses and parking lots the same way you would your own barn.
  • Want to know where to ride? Get our map of beach access points and riding beaches.
  • Tides. Please begin your ride 1-2 hours prior to a low tide event and conduct your horses below the most recent high tide line. Visit our Tide Predictions Page.
  • For more information about horseback riding in St. Johns County, please visit the St. Johns County Horse Council website.

Apply for Beach Horseback Riding Permit

6 Steps for Your Permit


Permit Level

Choose your Horseback Riding Permit Level below.



Email joneill@sjcfl.us, Fax (904) 209-0620, drop off, or mail completed quiz, application, and any required credentials:

Jade O’Neill
3171 Coastal Hwy
St. Augustine, FL 32084
Attn: Horseback Riding Permits

On Mobile Devices, you may screenshot your quiz results and text to joneill@sjcfl.us


Receive Permit

It may take up to two weeks to process your permit.
Please review Planning your Ride below.

St. Johns County offers horseback riding on approximately 30 miles of our 41.1 miles of coastline. The County is responsible for implementing and abiding by a Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP) and Incidental Take Permit (ITP) through the US Fish and Wildlife Service. A special permit (follow steps below) is required to ride horses on St. Johns County beaches. Permits are free of charge.

Horseback Riding Permit Levels

Master Beach Equestrian Guide

  1. An individual with extensive riding experience on St. Johns County beaches and intends to ride regularly and frequently.
  2. Must complete Protected Species Training. Must provide no less than three letters of written recommendations from Master Equestrian Beach Guides, or written recommendations by the St. Johns County Horse Council, proof of membership to local riding club (if any), and/or some other proof of extensive riding experience on St. Johns County beaches.
  3. Allows permit holder to lead up to 10 individuals by horseback; permit is valid through 2026.

General Beach Equestrian Guide

  1. An individual intending to ride on St. Johns County beaches regularly and frequently but experience does not warrant a Master Beach Equestrian Guide Permit.
  2. Must complete Protected Species Training and sign completed application.
  3. Allows permit holder to lead up to 10 individuals by horseback; permit is valid through 2026.

General Beach Equestrian Day Pass

  1. An individual desiring a one-time or infrequent horseback ride on the beach.
  2. May obtain necessary education and credentials from a Master Beach Equestrian Guide or through online training.

Planning Your Ride

Due to ongoing hurricane recovery, not all beaches may be available for equestrians. Please review the Announcements section above, follow us on social media, or contact Jade O’Neill 904-209-0619 when planning a ride.

North Beaches

Mickler’s Landing Access – 1109 ½ Ponte Vedra Blvd.

  • November 1 – April 14
    Ride 7 days a week. No time restriction.
  • April 15 – April 30
    Monday-Friday: No time restriction.
    Saturday, Sundays & Federal Holidays: Ride before 9am & after 5pm (tides permitting).
  • May 1 – September 15
    Monday-Friday: 8am-7:30pm
    Saturday, Sundays & Federal Holidays: Ride between 8am-9am or 5pm-7:30pm (tides permitting).
  • September 16 – October 31
    Ride 7 days a week, 8am-7:30pm

Exxon Beach Access – 505 Guana River Rd.

  • May 1 – October 31
    Ride 8am-7:30pm
  • November 1 – April 30
    Ride 7 days a week. No time restriction.

Surfside Park Access – 3070 Coastal Hwy.

  • May 1 – October 31
    Ride 8am-7:30pm
  • November 1 – April 30
    Ride 7 days a week. No time restriction.

South Beaches

Frank Butler Park East – 5860 A1A S. / Overflow Parking: 5780 Gloria Ave.

  • November 1 to March 14, 2025
    Open for Rides


Jade O’Neill Environmental Specialist

Need Technical Assistance?

Acrobat Reader is required to view and/or complete the application on your computer and to sign with a digital signature.

If you have technical difficulty with the training, please email webmast@sjcfl.us so that we may assist you.

cars parked on beach

North Beach 4×4 Driving

Apply for North Beach 4×4 Driving

Driving on North Beach

North beach drivers must obtain a permit by completing Protected Species Training (below). Permits are free. Training must be completed annually.

North Beach Boundary 4 x 4 Driving Map (PDF)


Current annual pass affixed to passenger side of windshield, 4×4 or all-wheel drive vehicle (no ATVs, motorcycles, etc.) Annual passes can be purchased at any toll booth from March 1 – Labor Day. Preseason beach passes can be purchased at the Tax Collector’s offices, St. Johns County Fishing Pier, and the Recreation & Parks Department.

Apply for North Beach 4×4 Driving Permit

5 Steps for Your Permit



Complete Quiz (PDF)
Please save quiz to your computer or mobile device to complete.



Complete and sign application (PDF)
Please save quiz to your computer or mobile device to complete.


Come In

Vehicle Inspection Appointments – Are only available on Mondays. Please call (904) 209-0619 to schedule your appointment. 

Bring your application and arrive in the vehicle you are obtaining a permit for with an annual beach pass affixed to windshield. 

Jade O’Neill
3171 Coastal Hwy
St. Augustine, FL 32084
(904) 209-0619
Attn: Beach Driving Permits


Receive Permit

You’re ready to go.


Jade O’Neill Environmental Specialist

Need Technical Assistance?

Acrobat Reader is required to view and/or complete the application on your computer and to sign with a digital signature.

If you have technical difficulty with the training, please email webmast@sjcfl.us so that we may assist you.


Special Event Permitting has moved!