Purchasing and Contracts


The St. Johns County Purchasing and Contracts Department conducts the procurement and contracting activities for goods, services, and construction in accordance with the SJC Purchasing Policy, and all applicable laws. Purchasing staff are responsible for facilitating formal and informal procurements, drafting, negotiating, and administering contracts. As well as approving, issuing and maintaining purchase orders, administration of the County’s P-Card Program and disposition of County surplus.

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Mission Statement

To provide for fair, equitable and competitive procurement, maximize the value of public funds, and to provide safeguards for maintaining a procurement system of quality and integrity.

Doing Business with SJC

The St. Johns County Purchasing and Contracts Department fosters participation by all qualified suppliers for goods, services and construction that may be used by the County. Selling to St. Johns County is not as difficult as you may envision. Some helpful hints to a business interested in selling include:

  • The Bid Proposal Form in the Invitation for Bid must be signed by an authorized person with the authority to legally bind the Bidding Firm.
  • Written quotations must be signed by an authorized member of the Firm, when required.
  • Bid Security must accompany your bid when required by the Invitation to Bid.
  • Supporting literature (if required) must accompany bid documents.
  • Items must be delivered exactly as bid by awarded Bidder.
  • Immediately contact the Purchasing Department to clarify any questions you may have.


Active Solicitations

SJC Purchasing posts formal and informal solicitations to Demandstar.

Active Solicitations
Surplus Property Sales

In an effort to maximize the recovery of money invested in County owned surplus property, the County has signed an agreement with Great Expectations Auction Company, LLC. This firm maintains a webpage dedicated to St. Johns County surplus property listings that are available for sale to the public.

SJC Surplus Auctions
Purchasing Policy

Purchasing Policy was adopted by the BOCC under ordinance #2022-22 and governs the procurement and contracting activities of the county for goods, services and construction.

Purchasing Policy

Contact Us

Services Team

Bryan Matus Sr. Procurement Coordinator

Sherrie Ashby Procurement Coordinator

Greg Lulkoski, CPPB Procurement Coordinator

Jennifer McDaniel Procurement Coordinator

Kayla Miller Procurement Coordinator

Construction Team

Diana Fye, BAS, NIGP-CPP, CPPB Sr. Procurement Coordinator

Alexis Colbert Procurement Coordinator

Richard Poulin Procurement Coordinator

Commodities Team

Joanie Chiarelli, NIGP-PPA Procurement Coordinator

Leanne Burke Procurement Coordinator


Leigh Daniels, CPPB Purchasing Manager

Jaime Locklear, MPA, NIGP-CPP, CPPO, CPPB Director of Purchasing and Contracts