Ketterlinus Gym Community Center

  • basketball icon
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  • volleyball icon

Ketterlinus Gymnasium is located in downtown St. Augustine offering a variety of amenities for all ages. Located behind the Gymnasium are City of St. Augustine Tennis Courts, Francis Field, and Project Swing.

  • Gymnasium
  • Meetings room
  • Outdoor basketball courts
  • Francis Field outdoor tennis courts

For information regarding these amenities please contact the City of St. Augustine at (904) 825-1004.

Youth Activities
  • Youth Basketball Clinics and March Madness – We have two seasons of youth basketball that play in various facilities. For more information, call Brian James at 904-209-0365 or Sign up for Youth Programming.
  • After-School Enrichment – This program is for children in Kindergarten through fifth grade. We provide time for children to complete homework and enjoy recreational activities during the afternoon. Pre-registration is required for these programs due to limited space. For further information, please contact JaNae’ Wadley at 904-209-0381 or Sign up for Youth Programming
Adult Activities
  • Men’s & Women’s Volleyball – Season is from October – December and is played at the Ketterlinus Gym.
  • Co-ed Volleyball – Coed is played from January – April at Ketterlinus Gym with an “A” & “B” division. For further information, contact Bobby Hamilton at (904) 209-0372 or

For Gym/Community Center rentals please contact:

JaNae Wadley Recreation Coordinator

Ketterlinus Gym


Ketterlinus Gymnasium was named after philanthropist Elizabeth B. Ketterlinus, who donated the land on the corner of Mulvey and Orange Streets to the St. Johns County School Board. Ketterlinus was the daughter of William Warden, who built the nearby Castle Warden (today known as the Ripley’s Believe It or Not! Museum). In 1924, Ketterlinus High School opened, using Francis Field as their football field. After many changes, including a fire in 1981, the school became Ketterlinus Elementary in the 1990s and is still open today, across the street from the Gymnasium.