Alpine Groves Park

location 2060 SR 13
St. Johns, FL 32259

clock HOURS: 7AM - Dark

ruler SIZE: 54.5 acres

  • Historic Structures icon
  • butterfly garden icon
  • parking icon
  • picnic tables icon
  • playground icon
  • restroom icon


Alpine Groves Park spans 54.5 acres in Northwest St. Johns County between the St. Johns River and William Bartram Scenic & Historic Highway. The many unique features for visitors of all ages to experience and explore include recreational activities, three unique Florida habitats, and historic structures.

Picnic tables are conveniently located near the parking lots, along with an orange grove themed playground, a fishing pier on the St. Johns River, bathrooms and outdoor pavilion. Hiking and exercise enthusiasts will enjoy the one mile paved handicap and stroller accessible hiking trail that traverses three distinct Florida habitats.

Contact: (904) 209-0333

Special events
Friends of Alpine groves