One-Stop Permitting
St. Johns County has a One-Stop Development Review Process for quick, efficient, approval of construction plans (paving, drainage, and utilities) that have only gotten minor comments on first submittal.
- The One-Stop conference option is available to applications that have completed initial review and received an eligible statement from all reviewers.
- Construction plans are submitted for review following procedures in Section 13.0 of the Development Review Manual.
- During the initial review, each reviewer will determine if the application qualifies for One-Stop Development Review. This will be included as a project comment. All reviewers must agree that the application is eligible. If it is determined that it is not due to major issues, resubmittal must proceed in accordance with Section 13.11(CC) of the Development Review Manual.
- Applicants attend the Development Review Committee meeting. Comments and recommendations will be discussed and the applicant will have opportunity to clarify specific issues.
- Projects with insufficient information, detail, or design, may be subject to further review and are not eligible for One-Stop approval.
- After the Development Review Committee meeting, the applicant shall incorporate all comments and recommendations into a revised set of plans. If eligible, plan approval can be completed during a One-Stop approval conference. Those applications deemed ineligible, must resubmit in accordance with Section 13.11(CC) of the Development Review Manual.
- The One-Stop Approval Conference allows all departments to sign off in one location at a specific time. To request an appointment for a conference, contact Development Review Division at (904) 209-0660. One-Stop Approval conferences are scheduled on Wednesdays between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m.
- Two sets of corrected, signed and sealed, construction plans (and one copy of revised drainage calculations if applicable) must be brought to the One-Stop conference.
- If any comment is not adequately addressed at the One-Stop conference, the applicant must schedule another meeting. If the issue is not addressed at the second meeting, the applicant must resubmit in accordance with Section 13.11(CC) of the Development Review Manual.
- Applications that are designated for Expedited Permitting may be made eligible after a resubmittal has been received.
For more information or to schedule a Review Committee Meeting, please contact the Growth Management Development Review Division.