Land Acquisition Management Program (LAMP)
St. Johns County Conservation Lands
Time Travel Through St. Johns County’s Efforts to Preserve Natural Lands

LAMP Mission
The St. Johns County Land Acquisition and Management Program (LAMP) Conservation Board identifies, evaluates and recommends lands to be acquired in the unincorporated areas of the County for conservation, management and passive recreational opportunities.
The LAMP Conversation Board assists with the acquisition and conservation of lands that enhance or promote ecological communities, green space, water resources, outdoor passive recreation, as well as historic, educational and scientific activities. LAMP ranks lands to best achieve program goals, which includes but is not limited to protecting habitats and listed species, providing connections to natural corridors and protecting and interpreting cultural resources.
Nominate a Property
LAMP is a willing seller program and the Conservation Board recommends properties on an annual basis to the Board of County Commissioners for potential acquisition for conservation purposes. These properties may include those to be submitted by current property owners, available for sale on the market, LAMP Board members or the general public. If you feel a certain property will contribute to the program’s goals, the LAMP Land Acquisition Application may be submitted for evaluation by the Conservation Board at an upcoming meeting, which is open to the public.
Property Evaluation Matrix
Consistent with the LAMP Ordinance, the LAMP Conservation Board developed property selection criteria, standards and ranking matrices based on the objectives listed in the ordinance. When a property is considered by the LAMP Board for evaluation for recommendation to the Board of County Commissioners, a standard Property Evaluation Matrix is utilized to score the properties to potentially be listed in the LAMP property recommendation list. Scores from each Board member are averaged together and properties with higher scores may be ranked higher on the list, which is updated and presented to the Board of County Commissioners annually.
Program Goals
Preserve/Conserve and Maintain Environmentally Sensitive Lands
- Protect Unique Rare and/or Imperiled Vegetation Communities
- Protect Unique, Rare and/or Imperiled Wildlife Habitat
- Protect Wetlands and Upland Systems that Create Complete Environments
- Sustain Regionally Significant Habitat, Strategic Habitat and Biodiversity Hot Spots
Create Greenways, Blueways and Connecting Corridors
- Protect Scenic Views, Vistas and Highways
- Establish Interconnected “Green Areas” for Birding, Hiking, Walking and Horseback Riding
- Protect Natural Water Courses “Blueways” for Boating, Fishing, Shelfishing and Canoeing
- Create and Protect Interconnecting Corridors for Natural Ecosystems, Wildlife Corridors, Equestrian Trails and Human Beings
Protect Water Quality
- Maintain and Improve Clean Drinking Water
- Support Aquatic Preserves and Outstanding Florida Waters (OFW’s)
- Protect Recreational Waters for Boating, Fishing and Water Sports
- Reduce Flood Hazards
Preserve Historic, Archaeological, Scenic and Cultural Resources
- Preserve Historic and Archaeologically Significant Sites
- Protect Important Cultural Resources
- Protect Scenic Areas
Increase Recreational Sites
- Create Opportunities for Active Parks
- Create Opportunities for Passive Parks
- Create Educational Opportunities and Land Acquisition Partnerships
Property List
Approved by the Board of County Commissioners on March 4th, 2025
Ryan Mauch Environmental Supervisor
Land Resource Management Section