Infrastructure Projects Continue to Progress

St. Johns County Continues Progress on Infrastructure Projects

At the Oct. 3 St. Johns County Board of County Commission regular meeting, the new Infrastructure Delivery Team presented an update on select projects. Public Works Director Greg Caldwell led the presentation. It featured updates on the widening of County Road 210 and Longleaf Pine Parkway, the Palm Valley West Boat Ramp, the Water Utility Environmental Lab, and the unveiling of the Hastings Community Center and Library rendering concept chosen by the Hastings community.

The County developed a special webpage dedicated to its Capital Improvement Program. The dashboard currently has information on 93 projects with a total budget of $315.2 million. The public can view a detailed project description, the current project phase of pre-design, design, construction, and closeout, and project comments by County staff. There is an interactive map that showcases the projects by voting district.

The County’s Infrastructure Delivery Team includes the Office of Management and Budget, Land Management, Procurement, Growth Management, and Public Works.

Currently, the County has 195 capital projects under design or construction that total more than $503 million in infrastructure improvements for the St. Johns County community.

“The Infrastructure Delivery Team was put together to come up with innovative solutions to get things moving forward, and it is already working,” Caldwell said. “We are bringing in partners to think outside the box. We are moving in the right direction.”

The Sept. 5 presentation to the BOCC revealed that the County has 75 capital projects in design totaling nearly $103 million and another 120 projects under construction totaling more than $401 million.
