Cultural Resource Management
Disaster Mitigation for Historic Properties – Citizens impacted by natural disasters, with damage to a structure or building 50 years old or older, may qualify for economic and technical assistance as a Florida Historic Property.
- Disaster Mitigation for Historic Properties (4MB pdf)
- Disaster Recovery Assistance for Historic Properties (4MB pdf)
- Floodproofing Historic Structures (1MB pdf)
- Treatment of Flood Damaged Historic Buildings (10MB pdf)
- Guidelines on Flood Adaptation for Rehabilitating Historic Buildings
West Augustine Oral History Project Showcases Life in Mid-1900s – St. Johns County, in conjunction with the West Augustine community and Flagler College, has created the West Augustine Oral History Project to showcase first-hand accounts of the everyday lives of the people of West Augustine from the 1930s through the 1970s.
Landmark and National Register of Historic Places Properties – The St. Johns County Cultural Resource Inventory is maintained with all of the historical resources within our County. Landmarks are designated at the local level while the National Register of Historic Places is managed by the National Park Service. Landmark and National Register of Historic Places Properties
St. Johns County 200th Celebration: 200 Years of Stories – Northeast Florida has over 10,000 years of Native History. Over the last 450 years, Spanish, British, African, Menorcan and American citizens have made northeast Florida their home. This timeline provides a glimpse of pivotal events in the history of the area. This Story Map focuses on the history of St. Johns County since its establishment in 1821.
Historical Surveys
Historical Surveys are often used as planning tools in development activities. Historical Survey standards have been set forth by the National Parks Service.
Historic Properties Survey Hastings
In 2020, St. Johns County was awarded a Small Matching Grant in the amount of $50,000, from the Division of Historical Resources for the Historic Properties Survey of Hastings. The County contracted with PaleoWest who documented a total of 350 structures. One of the goals of the survey was to determine if any structures in the Hastings area may be eligible for local or federal historic designation. PaleoWest recommended eleven structures are eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places. The eligible structures included both residences and public structures.
A.L. Lewis Arch Survey
This iconic structure stood as the entrance to the Florida Normal and Industrial Institute central campus, which existed in impressive grandeur at the intersection of King Street and Holmes Boulevard. The college purchased the property in 1917 and began classes in October 1918. The report is a result of the necessary documentation required prior to the County’s moving and restoring of the Arch in 2009.
Colonial Roads Survey
The First Spanish Period Pablo Road, and the British Period King’s Road were the two more important roads used in colonial times. This report documents the paths of these roads north of St. Augustine through historic maps and papers illustrating the importance of them as public landmarks throughout St. Augustine history. The report also assesses the modern-day location of these significant resources on today’s landscape.
Cultural Resource Interpretation Program
St. Johns County received a small matching grant from the State Division of Historic Resources in 2020 and through this grant was able to hire a contractor to manufacture new historic markers and historic interpretive panels for public information on various cultural and historic sites throughout the County. In 2022, County staff designed, assembled and installed a total of 13 historic markers and 27 interpretive panels at 15 different County park locations.
Elkton Hastings Historic Farmstead Survey
The rural Hastings/ Elkton area has been a center of agricultural production in Florida for over a century. This report documents the historical development of the county’s agricultural history and the development patterns of these communities. The report provides a detailed analysis of the important architectural styles still evident in historic farmhouses dotting the pastoral landscape, and recommends 10 of these farmsteads for National Register of Historic Places nominations.
Historic Overview of St. Johns County
This document presents the historical development of St. Johns County including economic, social, and infrastructural changes and influences. It also provides an overview of the origins of the many small communities within the County. The final section has a particular focus on the architectural styles represented in the County’s historical development.
Reconnaissance Survey of State Route A1A
St. Johns County received a small matching grant from the State Division of Historic Resources in 2020 and through this grant was able to hire a consultant to conduct a historic resource survey of the entire length of the coastal area from the northern St. Johns County line in Ponte Vedra Beach south to Vilano Beach. The survey area focused on historic structures (50 years or older) located along both sides of Ponte Vedra Blvd. in Ponte Vedra Beach, Coastal Highway and Vilano Road in Vilano Beach.
West Augustine Historic District Assessment Survey
The West Augustine community is the largest historical community in the county outside of downtown St. Augustine. This report provides a detailed narrative of the historical development of the community and assesses the more significant historical structures still standing. The report also recommends a potential historic district within West Augustine.

Megan Wright Environmental Specialist
Office: (904) 209-0623