Future Parks Planning Open House

St. Johns County Parks and Recreation Invites Community to Open House for Future Parks Planning

St. Johns County Parks and Recreation will host an open house devoted to the planning and future development of multiple County parks.

Parks and Recreation is currently developing a master plan for multiple future County parks as an operation of the Parks and Recreation Master Plan, which evaluated the needs and priorities of the County, last updated in 2019.

St. Johns County is collaborating with sports architecture and planning firm, OSPORTS, along with its partners Catalyst Design Group, CHW Professional Consultants, and Perez Planning + Design, to help make this a reality.

During the open house, the OSPORTS design team will present an overview of the master planning process and ask for feedback from the community. Residents who attend will be encouraged to participate in a park programming and features exercise and to provide one-on-one input to OSPORTS team members.

Additionally, OSPORTS created a website to receive invaluable community feedback.

Website: https://ppd.mysocialpinpoint.com/st-johns-county-four-county-parks/st-johns-county-four-county-parks-page-1/

By completing a short questionnaire on the home page, residents can share what they would like to see at each of the parks and provide general comments. All feedback received will be reviewed by St. Johns County and OSPORTS.

When: Tuesday, Jan. 31, 2023

            6 to 7 p.m.

Where: Trout Creek Community Center

 6795 Collier Road

 Orangedale, FL 32092

Please note one or more County Commissioners may be present. No action will be taken during the open house.
