Hurricane Ian/Nicole FEMA Dune Enhancement Project
Butler Beach Reach Portion of FEMA Dune Enhancement Project Completed – St. Johns County has completed the Butler Beach Reach portion of the FEMA Dune Enhancement Project, the first of several major fortifications for the County’s invaluable coastline. Butler Beach Reach Project Completion Press Release | Butler Beach Restoration Video | Emergency Management Director Joseph Giammanco FEMA Dune Enhancement Project Status Presentation to BOCC
Project Status
All approved reaches of the project have been completed as of January 2024.
Project Details
- Description
- This project will enhance the dune system by adding sand at the seaward edge of the existing dune, planting sea oats and supporting vegetation, and creating a more uniform front to the dune system along qualifying sections of the beaches of Ponte Vedra, South Ponte Vedra, Butler and Crescent Beach.
- Project Location
- South Ponte Vedra Beach – Completed November 2023
- 2607 South Ponte Vedra Blvd to 2731 South Ponte Vedra Blvd
- 2979 South Ponte Vedra Blvd to 3033 South Ponte Vedra Blvd
- Butler Beach – Completed August 2023
- Ocean Hammock Park to Bryn Mahr
- Mary Street to Creston House
- Crescent Beach – Completed January 2024
- Cubbedge Rd to 7172 A1A S
- 7560 A1A S to Fort Matanzas Ramp
- South Ponte Vedra Beach – Completed November 2023
- Environmental Considerations
- The Florida Department of Environmental Protection and the Florida Wildlife Commission, in consultation with the National Fish and Wildlife Service, have approved the sand quality, the geometry of the sand placement, and the efforts to protect marine turtles and their eggs.
- Permit required sea turtle nest monitoring have begun every morning by specially permitted experts on the parts of the beach that will have sand placement or truck traffic.
- If any nests had been laid in those areas the previous night, they were carefully relocated to a safe area outside of the work zone.
Construction Schedule
- Butler Beach
- Completed August 2023
- Crescent Beach
- Completed January 2024
- South Ponte Vedra Beach
- Completed November 2023
The project does not cost any additional money to the oceanfront homeowners. The project is funded through the FEMA Public Assistance program and County funds.