What are the procedures for a Planning and Zoning Agency hearing?
- 2 August 2023
Special uses, temporary uses and zoning variances require approval by the Planning and Zoning Agency. Generally, the process will take approximately sixty (60) days. The Agency meets the first and third Thursday of each month. You must have a complete application all documents submitted; (no open comments) one month prior to the hearing dates. Once an application has reached completed status it will be set for the next available Planning and Zoning hearing.
- Fees may vary according to the applications type
- Obtain the application from the Zoning Office
- Proof of ownership and/or proper authorization from the land owner is required
- Must acquire property owners list from the current tax roll of all owners within a three-hundred (300) foot radius of your property
- Prepare legal size envelopes for each property owner listed on the current tax roll (stamped and addressed)
- Provide a site plan of the location (to scale) showing all proposed and existing structures
- Attach a project narrative, if applicable