Stormwater Management Program


St. Johns County has been one of the fastest growing areas in the country. With that growth an added burden has been placed on our water supply and recreational waterways. St. Johns County residents must do their part to ensure that our area’s growth does not result in pollution of the local waterways.

Impact on Waterways

A major contributor to contamination of our waterways is polluted stormwater. Stormwater is the flow of water that results from precipitation occurring immediately after a rainstorm. Stormwater runoff occurs when precipitation flows over impervious services (i.e., driveways, sidewalks, roads) and picks up any oil, grease or other pollutant on the surface. Stormwater is carried away through a system of pipes and ditches is also known as the County’s Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System. The stormwater flows directly from streets and gutters into our rivers, lakes and coastal waters. Straight from your street to waterways inhabited by fish, frogs, and other aquatic animals and plants.

When polluted stormwater reaches our waterways, it has many long-lasting negative effects on aquatic plant and animal life. This pollution also impacts other species that use water, including humans.

Far-Reaching Results of Stormwater Contamination

If stormwater pollution continues, one of our most valuable resources – our recreational waterways – will be lost forever. Please remember ditches and storm drains are not connected to the sanitary sewer system. They discharge directly into streams, lakes, rivers, estuaries, bays, and oceans. This means that stormwater is not treated or decontaminated before it flows into our waterways. Whatever you put in ditches, street drains, and even your lawn, goes directly into our recreational waters whenever there is a significant rain. We must all take responsibility for keeping pollutants out of St. Johns County’s waters.

Potential effects

  • Sediment and other debris clog fish gills, damage fish habitat and block light needed for aquatic plants to survive. Disrupting natural drainage patterns increases flooding chances.
  • Debris such as plastic bags, bottles and cigarette butts can harm marine life.
  • Bacteria and other pathogens wash into swimming areas and create health hazards.
  • Excess nutrients such as those found in fertilizer can cause an over-abundance of aquatic vegetation which depletes oxygen in the waterbody.


National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit Program

The National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Stormwater Program regulates point source discharges from three potential sources: Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4s), construction activities and industrial activities. Operators of these sources may be required to obtain an NPDES permit before they can discharge stormwater.

Construction and Industrial Activity

Construction site sediment and other pollutants can significantly impact our water quality. Industrial activity can pollute waterbodies by coming in contact with exposed materials through stormwater runoff.

Construction / Industrial Activity
Stormwater Pollution

By practicing healthy household habits, homeowners can keep common pollutants like pesticides, pet waste, grass clippings, and automotive fluids off the ground and out of Stormwater. Adopt these healthy household habits and help protect lakes, streams, rivers, wetlands, and coastal waters. Remember to share the healthy household habits with your neighbors!

Stormwater Pollution
Forms & Permit Fees

Stormwater permitting fees, forms, guides and resources.

Forms & Fees


NPDES Program Staff

Staff assists the public with information regarding County reviewed projects, as well as ensuring compliance with mitigation and monitoring requirements. Staff also coordinates with the St. Johns River Water Management District (SJRWMD), Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP), and other regulatory agencies.

Community Outreach and Education

St. Johns County Public Works provides stormwater pollution education and information opportunities for schools, homeowner associations, other groups, organizations and events through the interactive Watershed Pollution EnviroScape model. Our representatives will visit your school, meeting or event and demonstrate the local impacts of stormwater pollution on our County’s water resources. Call (904) 209-0120 or visit Pride, for additional information and scheduling.