Office of Performance and Transparency
The Office of Performance and Transparency ensures that the organization operates efficiently and effectively. It achieves this by using relevant data to measure the organization’s performance and developing guidelines for improved services. Additionally, the office promotes collaboration between departments to address critical areas for improvement and streamline processes and structure.
The creation of the Office of Performance and Transparency is part of the organization’s goal to expand public access to information and activities. It aims to provide the public with accurate real-time information in specific operational areas. The public can review after-action results and progress reports in other areas of the organization.
This webpage is a work in progress. As the organization levies technology and resources increase, data and information access will improve, providing greater opportunity for public access. This webpage’s data and information will change over time to expand and enhance navigation.
Ensure efficient and effective County operations through data-driven performance management and continuous process improvements. Encourage community awareness of the County’s mission, vision, and values through education and transparency.
Land development regulations governing the development of property
Land Development CodePlans
Comprehensive Emergency Management and Local Mitigation Strategy Plans
Emergency Mgmt PlansHabitat Conservation Plan and Incidental Take Permits
Habitat Conservation2022-2023 Annual Action Plan required by US Federal Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
Annual Action Plan