Development Review


The Development Review Division provides efficient, effective and professional services for the permitting of the County’s land development codes and the State of Florida regulations relating to the health, safety and welfare of residents and visitors of St. Johns County. The Development Review Division manages the Development Review Committee, impact fee assessment and collection, the residential clearance sheet process, and public information requests related to permitting and development.

To streamline processes and better serve the community, the Development Review Division manages Commercial plan review and inspection, Subdivision plan review and inspection, Construction Surety (bonds, letters of credit), and As-Built review & inspection, Lot grading and drainage complaints.

Development Tracker

Track development in and around St. Johns County neighborhoods, including rezoning applications and special use permits. Development Tracker is a map of the County with permitting activity mapped by color-coded dots. Click the dots to view project descriptions and status.

Development Tracker
Development Review Manual

The Development Review Manual is intended to help users of the Land Development Code understand the review and decision-making processes outlined in the LDC. The manual includes applications and forms, as well as information on application submittal requirements and review procedures.

Development Review Manual
Clearance Sheets / Review Status

Manages the review of residential permits regarding Zoning, Flood zone determinations, Residential driveway permits, Coastal Building Zone/Coastal Construction Control Line determinations prior to the review of building permits.

Clearance Sheets/Review Status Check Review Status
One-Stop Permitting

St. Johns County has a One-Stop Development Review Process for quick, efficient, approval of construction plans (paving, drainage, and utilities) that have only gotten minor comments on first submittal.

One-Stop Permitting
Land Use Permitting

Buying a House? Want to keep livestock? Build a deck or retaining wall? Knowing what is allowable and what is not can save you time and money.

Land Use Permitting
Stormwater Permitting

A stormwater permit is required from the St. Johns River Water Management District for almost any work that affects natural or man-made drainage systems or changes the use of a property or the structures on it.

Stormwater Permits

Popular Links



Where can I find information about the Planned Unit Developments (PUDs) in St. Johns County and the entitlements within the PUDs?

St. Johns County has a PUD Development Activity map that provides such information and can be found at the following link. - You can either select an area on the map or type in the name of the project on the right. Information about the PUD will display on the left. To see the entitlements for that PUD, click on the project number button on the left. On the next screen, click on the entitlements button on the right. Scroll down and you will see a list of the entitlements and square footage for those entitlements.

Can I use my RV camper or Fifth wheel for a temporary living facility while my home is being built?

RV campers and Fifth wheel vehicles are recognized as motor vehicles and are not permitted for living purpose unless parked in a properly zoned camp ground or park.

Can I permit my garage or other accessory structures before I build my home?

You may not build an accessory structure until you have obtained the development permits required for the main structure.

What is the fencing regulation for residential districts in St. Johns County?

In general, for residentially zoned property any fence, wall, or hedge shall not exceed six (6) feet, nor obstruct the view of oncoming traffic in each direction and provided that no fence, wall, or hedge shall exceed four (4) feet within the front twenty-five (25) feet of the property line. On corner lots the fence may be six (6) feet on the second frontage. In commercial districts, fences do not have a height restriction but it must not be over four (4) feet at the sight distance triangle (corner) of intersecting streets. Additional restrictions apply to the Ponte Vedra Zoning District and other Special Districts as described in Land Development Code Article III.

What are the procedures for a Planning and Zoning Agency hearing?

Special uses, temporary uses and zoning variances require approval by the Planning and Zoning Agency. Generally, the process will take approximately sixty (60) days. The Agency meets the first and third Thursday of each month. You must have a complete application all documents submitted; (no open comments) one month prior to the hearing dates. Once an application has reached completed status it will be set for the next available Planning and Zoning hearing.

  • Fees may vary according to the applications type
  • Obtain the application from the Zoning Office
  • Proof of ownership and/or proper authorization from the land owner is required
  • Must acquire property owners list from the current tax roll of all owners within a three-hundred (300) foot radius of your property
  • Prepare legal size envelopes for each property owner listed on the current tax roll (stamped and addressed)
  • Provide a site plan of the location (to scale) showing all proposed and existing structures
  • Attach a project narrative, if applicable

What is a special use permit?

A use described by the Land Development Code that requires approval by the Planning and Zoning Agency in a public hearing. Some examples are: a mobile home in a residential district, animal boarding, kennels, day care in a residential district, borrow pits in open rural, churches in residential district, special care housing, etc.

What are the setbacks for accessory uses?

Accessory uses are required to meet the minimum structure setbacks, unless it is separated from the main structure by ten (10) feet or more, then the required setback is three (3) feet from the side and rear lot lines. It cannot be located in any required front yard.

May I operate my business from my home?

If it is a home office only with no employees and it is designated residential. There are restrictions on signage, advertising and no material can be stored outside the home. If a homeowners association governs property, approval must be acquired by the association in writing.

May I take care of children in my home?

A family day care, which limits the number of children to those of two (2) unrelated families, (defined by F.S.) four (4) up to twelve (12) months of age; three (3) up to twelve (12) months and others up to maximum six (6); maximum six (6) older than twelve (12) months; maximum ten (10), with five (5) pre-school and of those two (2) under twelve (12) months.

How many people can live in a single family residence?

A single family residence can be occupied by no more than three (3) unrelated persons.

What are residential setbacks?

RS-1 Residential Single Family

  • Front - 30'
  • Sides - 10'
  • Rear - 15'

RS-2 & RS-3 Residential Single Family

  • Front - 25'
  • Sides - 8'
  • Rear - 10'

OR - Open Rural

  • Front - 25'
  • Sides - 10'
  • Rear - 10'

RMH - Residential Mobile Home

  • Front - 20'
  • Sides - 8'
  • Rear - 10'

RMH (S) - Residential Mobile Home/Single Family

  • Front - 25'
  • Sides - 8'
  • Rear - 10'

What are fencing requirements for pools, above ground and below ground?

All pools are required to be fenced unless the yard is fenced. Above ground, if wall is over four (4) feet and has removable steps, it does not require fencing. Fencing must be a minimum four (4) feet with a self-latching gate.

Where are the setbacks measured?

Setbacks are measured to the eaves or any portion of a structure thirty inches (30'') off-grade. There is an allowance for certain projections such as bay windows.

How many animals can I have in residential areas?

Residential districts are limited to no more than five (5) household pets. Additional pets require special use approval.

What is the maximum building height for St. Johns County?

Thirty-five feet, except in special planned unit developments where regulations may vary.