Department Directory

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Office of Intergovernmental Affairs

The Office of Intergovernmental Affairs develops and executes strategies to secure appropriations, competitive funding, and partnerships for capital improvement projects prioritized by the St. Johns Board of County Commissioners. As directed by the Board, the Office advocates for and against public policies that may affect St. Johns County. The Office also cultivates new and strengthens existing relationships within the Florida Legislature, the Executive Office of the Governor, State and Federal agencies, the United States Congress, state constitutional officers, regional governmental organizations, local governments, and other stakeholders.


Adam Tecler


(904) 209-0545

Office of Management and Budget

The Financial Plan, Budget in Brief and Capital Improvement Plan are prepared annually by the Office of Management & Budget (OMB) of the Board of County Commissioners. These reports present the annual budget for the County on October 1st of each year. St. Johns County has been awarded a Distinguished Budget Presentation award for fourteen consecutive years.


Jesse Dunn

Deputy County Administrator

(904) 209-0568

Office of Performance and Transparency

The Office of Performance and Transparency is responsible for promoting efficiency and effectiveness within the organization, ensuring that relevant data is used to measure the organization’s performance, and developing guidelines for improved services. The focus is on creating a culture of collaboration between departments to address critical areas for improvement and streamline processes and structure. St. Johns County strives to expand the public’s access to keeping the public informed with accurate real-time information.


Sarah Taylor

Assistant County Administrator

(904) 209-0549

Office of Public Affairs

The Public Affairs Department is responsible for managing the media and public relations activities for the County. This includes media relations, government TV channel operations and broadcasts, social media, special events and public outreach programs, publications and newsletters, website content and design, emergency management public information and other opportunities to educate and inform the public about St. Johns County government and the community it serves.


500 San Sebastian View St. Augustine, FL 32084

Department Main Contact Info

Main Phone: (904) 209-0542

Hours: M-F, 8:00AM - 5:00PM

Office of Public Affairs Department Page
Parks & Recreation

The St. Johns County Parks and Recreation Department is committed to a thriving local park system, the opportunity for our residents and visitors to enjoy healthy, active lifestyles, and the preservation of the natural beauty of our environment. Explore the many ways Parks and Recreation is making our communities happier and healthier by providing a place where it all comes together – a sense of community, an appreciation of history, and a respect for nature.


Ryan Kane


(904) 209-0333

Planning and Zoning

Planning and Zoning allows the County to look into its future and plan for its population, employment, infrastructure, social, and cultural growth based upon community visions, population projections, past development trends, and State growth management rules specific to Florida. An important part of planning is assessing what we have done in the past and determining success or failure and how to proceed.

Public Library System

The St. Johns County Public Library System serves the community by providing access to technology, facilities, collections, programs, and services that help people meet our mission: Connect, Learn, Enjoy @ Your Library

Public Works

The St. Johns County Public Works Department maintains, preserves and protects the infrastructure resources of the County in the most efficient and effective manner possible. Public Works is made up of Engineering Services, Fleet Maintenance, and Road and Bridge.


2750 Industry Center Road St. Augustine, FL 32084

Department Main Contact Info

Public Works: (904) 209-0266

Right-of-Way: 904-209-0126

F: (904) 209-0267

Hours: M-F, 7:30AM - 4:30PM

Public Works Department Page

Greg Caldwell

Public Works Director

(904) 209-0266

Purchasing and Contracts

The St. Johns County Purchasing and Contracts Department conducts the procurement and contracting activities for goods, services, and construction in accordance with the SJC Purchasing Policy, and all applicable laws. Purchasing staff are responsible for facilitating formal and informal procurements, drafting, negotiating, and administering contracts. As well as approving, issuing and maintaining purchase orders, administration of the County’s P-Card Program and disposition of County surplus.


Jaime Locklear, MPA, NIGP-CPP, CPPO, CPPB

Director of Purchasing and Contracts

(904) 209-0158

Real Estate

The Real Estate Division of Land Management Systems serves the agencies of County Government by acquiring and disposing of public ownership interests in land; compiling, maintaining and updating an inventory of the County’s interest in property; and assisting with the formulation, presentation and coordination of County property management strategies.


Debbie Taylor

Real Estate Manager

(904) 209-0768

Road and Bridge

The Road and Bridge Division provides general maintenance for all County Roadways and Drainage Facilities, which includes but is not limited to roadway construction, pothole repair, culvert replacements, ditch cleaning, road grading, road side mowing, herbicide spraying, tree trimming and removal.

Department Main Contact Info
Road and Bridge Department Page
Social Services

Our mission is to reduce social and economic dependency by providing a bridge of interim rent, utility, referrals and other available services to qualified individuals and families who are residents of St. Johns County.


200 San Sebastian View, Suite 2300 St. Augustine

Department Main Contact Info

Phone: (904) 209-6140

Hours: M-F, 8:00AM - 5:00PM

Social Services Department Page
Solid Waste Division

The Solid Waste Division is dedicated to delivering sustainable services to meet the community’s ever-changing solid waste management needs. With weekly curbside collections for over 100,000 residential units, we take pride in serving our community and providing the high-quality and timely service that every resident deserves.

Stormwater Management Program

St. Johns County has been one of the fastest growing areas in the country. With that growth an added burden has been placed on our water supply and recreational waterways. St. Johns County residents must do their part to ensure that our area’s growth does not result in pollution of the local waterways.

Department Main Contact Info

(904) 209-0266

Stormwater Management Program Department Page
Surveying and Mapping

The Surveying and Mapping Division provides project and geodetic surveying services to various County programs and departments.

Tourist and Cultural Development

Tourism is one of St. Johns County’s primary economic engines, but you don’t have to own a tourism business or even be employed directly in the county’s tourism industry to benefit from the money visitors spend while they are here.


Tera Meeks

Tourism and Cultural Development

(904) 209-1676

Transportation Development Division

The Transportation Development Division is responsible for maintaining the County’s Concurrency Management system for our transportation network, our transit program, and our Development Technical review team. Together, the Division reviews projects for consistency with our Comprehensive Plan and Land Development Code to ensure projects meet the standards of St. Johns County. Staff also handles inspections of active construction and provides engineering expertise through Code Enforcement cases.


Dick D'Souza

Growth Management Assistant Director Transportation

(904) 209-0792

Utility Department

Our Mission: To serve our customers by providing safe, reliable drinking water and environmentally responsible wastewater treatment at affordable rates while emphasizing customer service and protecting our environment.


1205 State Road 16, St. Augustine

Department Main Contact Info

Main Phone: (904) 209-2700

Toll Free: 1 (877) 837-2311

After Hours Emergency: (904) 209-2745

Hours: Monday - Friday, 7:30AM - 4:30PM

Utility Department Department Page
Veterans’ Services

The Veterans Services Office assists veterans and their dependents in applying for benefits to which they are entitled under Federal or State Law or Regulations by reason of Active Military Service in the Armed Forces of the United States. This includes, but is not limited to, preparation of formal claims and appeals relating to Compensation, Education, Loan Guaranty for Homes, Special Adapted Housing, Pension, Medical Care, Insurance, Burial Benefits and related matters.


200 San Sebastian View, Suite 1400 St. Augustine

Department Main Contact Info

Main Phone: (904) 209-6160

F: (904) 209-6161

Hours: M-F (excluding holidays), 8:00AM - 5:00PM

Veterans’ Services Department Page

Joseph D. (Mac) McDermott

Senior Service Officer (CVSO)

(904) 209-6160