Department Directory

Clear Filters
Agricultural Center / Extension Services

The Cooperative Extension Service is administered by the University of Florida, and St. Johns County Commissioners provide support for local faculty, staff and facilities. The University of Florida’s Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) is a federal, state, and county partnership dedicated to developing knowledge in agriculture, human and natural resources, and the life sciences and to making that knowledge accessible to sustain and enhance the quality of human life.


Tim Wilson

County Extension Director

(904) 209-0430

Animal Control

First and foremost, we are public servants. Protecting people from animals and animals from people.


130 N. Stratton Rd. St. Augustine, Florida 32095

Department Main Contact Info

Pet Center: (904) 209-6190

Animal Control: (904) 209-0746

Hours: Tuesday - Friday, 9:00AM - 4:30PM

Hours: Saturday, 9:00AM - 4:00PM

Animal Control Department Page

Paul Studivant

Operations Manager

(904) 209-6190


St. Johns County beaches boast over 40 miles of breathtaking coastline, offering exceptional recreational activities and wildlife viewing opportunities. Just a short distance from downtown St. Augustine, visitors can park off-beach to stroll, sunbathe, fish, or observe wildlife along pristine shores. Alternatively, you can drive onto the beach at any vehicular access point and park directly on the sand. Swimming near lifeguard towers is encouraged when visiting for added safety. These beaches, characterized by their unique coquina and soft white sand framed by natural dunes and sea oats, are also popular venues for events such as weddings, celebrations, surf contests, and triathlons.

Board of County Commissioners

The St. Johns County Board of County Commissioners is a group of five elected officials collectively charged with administering county government. The commission acts as the executive of the local government, levying local taxes, managing county governmental institutions such as the Tax Collector Office, Sheriff’s Office, Public Health oversight, building code enforcement, and Public Works. They serve 4-year terms.

Building Department

The Building Department permits and inspects construction activity in St. Johns County to protect the life, health and property of our community. Our contractor licensing program ensures that contractors have demonstrated the knowledge and experience required to perform their trade.


4040 Lewis Speedway, St. Augustine

Department Main Contact Info

Main phone: (904) 827-6800

F: (904) 827-6849

Hours: M-F, 7:30AM - 4:30PM

Building Department Department Page

Howard White

Chief Building Official

(904) 827-6800

Coastal Projects

Coastal Management coordinates and manages all of St. Johns County’s engineered beach projects. This includes pre- and post-storm assessments of the shoreline to determine future project locations. Coastal Management works with the public, funding agencies, and regulatory agencies to ensure successful implementation of coastal projects that preserve and enhance the beaches of St. Johns County.

Department Main Contact Info

Phone: 904-209-0260

Coastal Projects Department Page
Code Enforcement

The Code Enforcement program is charged with the enforcement of non-criminal ordinances of the county. We respond to citizens’ concerns relative to a wide range of issues that affect the environment, health, safety, property values, and the general well-being of our constituents and community.


Roderick Potter

Code Enforcement Division Manager

(904) 209-0600

Contractor Licensing

St. Johns County offers licensing from General and Electrical to painting and insulation contractors. We have been licensing those that are qualified to build whole buildings or entire operating systems, major components and non-structural, specialty and finish trades since 1976.


4040 Lewis Speedway, St. Augustine

Department Main Contact Info

Main Phone: (904) 827-6820

F: (904) 827-6847

Hours: M-F, 7:30AM - 4:30PM

Contractor Licensing Department Page
County Administration

The County Administrator is the County’s Chief Administrative Officer and provides leadership, direction, and management to all County departments under the Board of County Commissioners, excluding the County Attorney. In addition to implementing the policies of the Board of County Commissioners, County Administration operates in full transparency to ensure all residents, businesses, and stakeholders are informed of County projects, programs, and initiatives.

County Attorney

The County Attorney’s Office (abbreviated “OCA”) is the in-house counsel that represents the Board of County Commissioners. It provides legal services to the various commissions, boards, authorities, departments and many divisions of St. Johns County government.


500 San Sebastian View St. Augustine, Florida 32084

Department Main Contact Info

Main phone: (904) 209-0805

F: (904) 209-0806

Hours: M-F, 8:00AM - 5:00PM

County Attorney Department Page
Development Review

The Development Review Division provides efficient, effective and professional services for the permitting of the County’s land development codes and the State of Florida regulations relating to the health, safety and welfare of residents and visitors of St. Johns County. The Development Review Division manages the Development Review Committee, the residential clearance sheet process and public information requests related to permitting and development.


Beverly Frazier

Assistant Director, Growth Management

(904) 209-0712

Economic Development

Economic development is a top priority of our Board of County Commissioners. The Board shares a unified commitment to attract new business development, to expand and diversify the tax base, and to create jobs for our local residents.

Emergency Management

Day to day, St. Johns County Emergency Management is responsible for coordinating countywide disaster preparedness, response, recovery, and mitigation activities.


Joe Giammanco

Emergency Management Director

(904) 209-0168


The St. Johns County Engineering Division’s mission is to provide comprehensive management of design services, permitting and construction services for all transportation capital improvement projects and traffic operations projects, along with Right-of-Way permitting and storm water drainage improvements for St. Johns County.


2750 Industry Center Road St. Augustine, FL 32084

Department Main Contact Info

Hours: M-F, 7:30AM - 4:30PM

Engineering Department Page

Duane Kent P.E.

County Engineer

(904) 209-0266


The Environmental Division oversees a multi-faceted program to protect and conserve the natural and cultural resources of St. Johns County.

Facilities Management

Facilities Management provides comprehensive facilities services including property management and maintenance for all properties and buildings owned by the Board of County Commissioners.

Family Integrity Program

The Family Integrity Program (FIP) is a community-based care lead agency contracted with the Department of Children and Families. Our mission is to work in partnership with the State of Florida and the local community to develop, implement and manage a highly effective, strength-based community-based system of care for abused and neglected children and their families. We provide different types of intervention, understanding that not one child or family is the same. Our vision is that through collaboration with our supportive community, each child will reside in a nurturing, stable, safe home that is free of abuse, neglect, and abandonment.

Fire Prevention

The Fire Prevention Section of St. Johns County Fire Rescue is responsible for the interpretation and enforcement of the Florida Fire Prevention Code as mandated by Florida Statute 633 and Florida Administrative Code 69A. These functions include, conducting Fire Safety Inspections of new and existing commercial occupancies, licensed facilities such as day cares and nursing homes, and conducting reviews of Development applications and construction plans for code compliance. Fire Prevention also identifies and maps all of the fire hydrants and provides information to the Insurance Services Organization (ISO) for evaluation of the Counties ISO rating.

Fire Rescue

The St. Johns County Fire Rescue Division encompasses the Fire Rescue, Fire Prevention and Marine Rescue Departments which provide a variety of essential safety services to our community. Learn more about our division, our history, goals, core values, and how we are organized.

Geographic Information Systems (GIS)

The Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Division is responsible for the creation, collection and management of location-based information pertaining to St. Johns County, Florida. From this information, the GIS Division is able to generate customized maps, perform complex analyses and develop applications that allow the end user to make better informed decisions.


Mike Campbell, GISP

GIS Manager

(904) 209-0778


Government Television (GovTV) is the television channel of St. Johns County, Florida. The mission of GovTV is to communicate with residents, businesses, and other County stakeholders about services, programs, facilities, and other County-related topics. GovTV broadcasts local government meetings, public service announcements, special programs, the Florida Channel, and bulletin board announcements related to local events and issues of public interest.

Department Main Contact Info

(904) 209-0558

GovTV Department Page
Growth Management

The Growth Management Department facilitates well-designed, efficient, healthy, and safely built developments while ensuring preservation of the natural and cultural environment. Responsibilities include long range planning for land use, environmental, transportation/technical, and development review & concurrency. In coordination with state and federal laws, the Department ensures compliance with all County codes and regulations including the Comprehensive PlanLand Development Code, and Ponte Vedra Zoning District Regulations, as well as maintaining related public records.


4040 Lewis Speedway, St. Augustine

Department Main Contact Info

Main Phone: (904) 209-0675

F: (904) 209-0743

Hours: M-F, 7:30AM - 4:30PM

Growth Management Department Page

Mike Roberson

Growth Management Director

(904) 209-0579

Habitat Conservation

Habitat Conservation Section ensures protection of the County’s endangered animal and plant species and protection of critical habitats. The beaches of St. Johns County are recognized as important nesting habitat for coastal wildlife and for offering a variety of recreational uses.

Department Main Contact Info

Ashley Raybould: 904-209-3740

Habitat Conservation Department Page
Health & Human Services

The Board of County Commissioners funds the St. Johns County Health and Human Services Department, which offers social support and assistance to needy members of the community.


Shawna Novak

Health and Human Services Director

(904) 209-6089

Housing & Community Development

The Housing & Community Development Division is responsible for the promotion, development, preservation and administration of affordable housing programs, initiatives and policies in St. Johns County. These programs are designed for both single family, multifamily households and developers. Housing & Community Development also assists with related community development issues such as utilities, roads and zoning.


Jenny Harvey

Housing and Community Development Manager

(904) 827-6894

Human Resources

The Human Resources Department supports, educates, and advises management by gathering facts, diagnosing problems, providing solutions, and offering objective assistance and guidance on employee-related issues. We recruit qualified applicants for vacant staff positions. To retain qualified employees, we strive to maintain competitive compensation and benefit programs. Human Resources also assists in the development, implementation, and coordination of employment-related policies and programs, employee and labor relations, compensation administration, benefits management, and training and education programs.

Information Systems

The Department of Information Systems is responsible for the overall management, administration, and service of the County’s computer systems. Currently MIS supports more than 1000 computer users, miles of networking, and numerous applications developed in house.


Wylie Thibault

Director of Information Systems

(904) 827-6850

Land Management Systems

The Land Management Systems (LMS) Department is comprised of the Real Estate, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), and Surveying and Mapping Divisions. The LMS Department shall promote rational and efficient government by managing activities related to land and land interests of the County. Those activities include acquiring, managing and dispossessing property interest; creating, maintaining, and analyzing comprehensive information about the County and County owned property in a GIS; and creating and maintaining the County’s repository of historical land records. The LMS Department also provides the Board of County Commissioners and County Departments assistance with research, problem solving, and public interaction for special projects.


Corey Bowens

Land Management Systems Department Director

(904) 209-0776

Marine Rescue

Since 1933, St. Johns County has been providing superior lifesaving services on the county’s beaches to residents and visitors alike. Today, St. Johns County Marine Rescue is a part of St. Johns County Fire and Rescue Department. The Marine Rescue Section is an Advanced Certified Agency through the United States Lifesaving Association.


Jessica Earl

Captain Marine Rescue / Fire Rescue

(904) 209-0336

Medical Examiner District 23

The District 23 Medical Examiner Office conducts death investigations as established by Florida Statute 406 for the counties of St. Johns, Putnam, and Flagler. We use information provided by law enforcement and combine it with medicine and science for the purpose of determining cause and manner of death. Our mission is to comply with our mandate in a compassionate, respectful, and timely manner, and to provide accurate information to all stakeholders.   


4501 Avenue A St. Augustine, FL 32095

Department Main Contact Info

Main Phone: (904) 209-0820

After Hours & Holidays: (904) 209-0820 ext. 2

F: 904-209-0829

Hours: M-F, 8:00AM - 4:00PM

Medical Examiner District 23 Department Page

Wendolyn Sneed, M.D.

Chief Medical Examiner

(904) 209-0820