Commissioner Murphy Speaks at Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration
- 23 January 2025
- Category: SJC News District 3
- Tags: 2025

On January 18, 2025, Clay Murphy, District 3, Vice-Chair spoke at the 40th anniversary of the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration commemorative breakfast. The event was hosted by the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration Committee of St. Johns County, Inc. at the Renaissance Historic Downtown Hotel. The local theme for this year’s celebration was “The Time is Always Right to do What is Right.”
The event was led by committee chairman Thomas Jackson, along with Ms. Cynthia Williams and Janice Tolliver.

It is an honor to speak today as a representative of the Board of County Commissioners at this 40th Anniversary event Honoring the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr’s leadership and legacy. Allow me to start off with an acknowledgment of the celebration committee. To have carried on a legacy of excellence of your own for 40 years is impressive. Nothing more than dedicated citizens who carry on the spirit of service to Faith, Family and Community which can be seen prominently here in St Johns County. Don’t question the value of volunteers… Noah’s Ark was built by volunteers, the Titanic was built by professionals!
So, a big thank you to all the volunteers who were involved in this event. This year’s theme is “The time is always right to do what is right.” To put that in a broader perspective, Dr King said in part at the University of Stanford in 1967, “somewhere we must come to see social progress never rolls in on the wheels of inevitability. It comes through the tireless efforts and persistent work of dedicated individuals. And without this hard work, time itself becomes an ally of the primitive forces of social stagnation. And we must help time and we must realize; “the time is always right to do right.”
As someone who has been and who I hope continues to be a public servant to this community, I have come to understand a little about dedication and persistence. Not just by my service but by the examples I have seen by who came before me, and the ones I see today all around us. My short time as Commissioner has only added to the knowledge of those of you, who through your living example of Reverend King’s teachings, have led this community and many others like it.
We congratulate all involved on the successful move of the Canright house, a home where Dr. King was scheduled to stay in the 60’s before it was vandalized by segregationist. It was moved from Butler Beach to West Augustine and into the public park for all to learn about and honor the life, legacy and dream of Dr. King’s fight for unity, and racial equality.
As to the proposed Florida Museum of Black History, I am proud to share that the Board of County Commissioners has made the funding and advocacy of the museum one of its top legislative priorities. We will continue to be diligent and dedicated to getting state support and resources to make that project a reality.
As Dr. King said, “the time is always right to do right.” And now is the time to tender tireless efforts to the concept of this campus of social justice. It will showcase persistent work to create and cultivate a better understanding of history and to recognize the dedicated individuals that make up this community who have fought for this museum to be located here in St Johns County.
In closing, thank you again for having me here today. I am humbled to be among so many people who have stood tall for what is right over the years and who now work to educate others and generations to come.
– Commissioner Clay Murphy, District 3, Vice-Chair
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