Commissioner Joseph Presents Proclamation on Government Finance Professionals Week

During the March 18, 2025 St. Johns County Board of County Commissioners meeting, Commissioner Krista Joseph, District 4 presented a special proclamation to recognize the County’s financial and budget professionals for their efforts in celebration of Government Finance Professionals Week.

Here is the Proclamation that was presented:

WHEREAS, The Florida Government Finance Officers Association (FGFOA) is a professional association founded in 1937 and serves more than 3,300 professionals from state, county and city governments, school districts, colleges and universities, special districts and private firms; and

WHEREAS, this Government Finance Professionals Week, sponsored by the FGFOA and all of its member governmental organizations, is a weeklong series of activities aimed at recognizing government finance professionals, and the vital contribution they provide to our state and our community; and

WHEREAS, Government Finance Professionals Week highlights the important work performed by government finance professionals, who play a critical role in ensuring transparency, accountability, and sound financial management in the public sector; and

WHEREAS, throughout this week, government finance professionals in St. Johns County will be recognized for their expertise, dedication, and commitment to protecting the public’s trust while safeguarding taxpayer dollars and promoting financial stability; and

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT PROCLAIMED, by the board of county commissioners of St. Johns County, Florida, that the week of March 17-21, 2025 be designated as


PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of St. Johns County, Florida this 18th day of March 2025.

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