Section | Title | Amended |
Section 1.0 | General | 07/09/2013 |
Section 2.0 | Comprehensive Plan Amendments | 06/01/2023 |
| Comprehensive Plan Amendment Pre-Application | 12/07/2012 |
| Comprehensive Plan Amendment Application | 07/26/2023 |
| Owners Authorization Form | 08/30/2011 |
Section 3.0 | Concurrency | 06/01/2023 |
| Table 1 – SJC P.M. Peak Hour Trip Rate and Percent New Trips Data | 03/29/2012 |
| Multi-Use Agreement Application | 06/14/2019 |
| Owner’s Authorization Form | 08/30/2011 |
| Agreement Application (Use Mozilla Firefox to open this document or right-click on the link to save the form to your computer.) | 03/29/2012 |
| Application for Concurrency Modification | 03/29/2012 |
| Agreement Modification Application (Use Mozilla Firefox to open this document or right-click on the link to save the form to your computer.) | 06/28/2013 |
| Application for Appeal of a Concurrency Determination | 03/29/2012 |
Section 4.0 | Development Agreements | 02/19/2002 |
Section 5.0 | Impact Fee Credit Agreements | 02/19/2002 |
| Multi-Use Agreement Application | 06/14/2019 |
Section 6.0 | Expedited Review | 07/01/2013 |
| Application for Economic Development Expedited Review | 08/22/2017 |
Section 7.0 | Affordable Housing | 06/01/2023 |
Section 7.A.0 | Live Local Act (LLA) | 12/02/2024 |
| Live Local Affidavit | 04/05/2024 |
| Declaration of Restriction (LLA) | 04/05/2024 |
| Live Local Compliance and Monitoring Agreement | 04/05/2024 |
Section 8.0 | Coastal Corridor Overlay Districts | 01/03/2013 |
| Overlay District Review Application | 01/03/2013 |
| Owner’s Authorization Form | 08/30/2011 |
Section 8.A.0 | VBTC Economic Development Residential Units Exchange Program | 03/30/2017 |
| VBTC Determination Application for Permission to Transfer Development Rights | 08/22/2017 |
| Economic Redevelopment Residential Units Exchange Program Easement (template) | 03/30/2017 |
Section 9.0 | Special Districts-Cultural Resources | 06/01/2023 |
| Landmark Application | 01/08/2013 |
Section 10.0 | Rezonings | 04/20/2015 |
| Application for Rezoning | 06/25/2013 |
| Owner’s Authorization Form | 08/30/2011 |
| Adjacent Property Owners List Request Form To be Completed Upon a Scheduled Hearing Date | 06/25/2012 |
Section 11.0 | Incremental Master Development Plan | 12/20/2012 |
| Application for Master Development Plan Review | 06/25/2013 |
| Owners Authorization Form | 08/30/2011 |
Section 12.0 | Development Review Pre-Application | 12/19/2011 |
| Pre-Application for Development Review | 06/25/2013 |
Section 12.A.0 | Minor Commercial Plan Review | 06/01/2023 |
| Minor Commercial Plan Review Checklist | 06/01/2023 |
| Application for Minor Commercial Plan Review | 06/01/2023 |
| Owners Authorization Form | 08/30/2011 |
Section 12.B.0 | Confirmation Letter Request | 06/01/2023 |
| Confirmation Letter Request Application | 06/01/2023 |
Section 13.0 | Construction Plans | 02/03/2016 |
FEE CALCULATION SPREADSHEETS | Commercial Review Fee Calculation (xls)
Multi-Family (Condominiums/Apartments) Review Fee Calculation (xls)
Subdivision (including Townhomes) Review Fee Calculation (xls)
ROW (Road and/or Utility) Construction Review Fee Calc. (xls)
Re-submittal Review Fee Calc. Form | 07/11/2019 |
| Site & Construction Plan Technical Review Checklist | 11/14/2012 |
| Site & Construction Plan Fire Rescue Checklist | 06/15/2011 |
| Application for Construction Plan Review | 06/25/2013 |
| Owners Authorization Form | 08/30/2011 |
| Registered Professional’s Certification | 06/15/2011 |
| Operation and Maintenance Entity | 06/15/2011 |
Section 13.A.0 | Clearing and Grading Construction Plans | 05/15/2019 |
| Clearing and Grading Plan Checklist | 05/15/2019 |
Section 14.0 | Borrow Pits (Land Excavation) | 12/07/2012 |
| Application for Borrow Pit Review | 06/25/2013 |
| Owner’s Authorization for Construction Plan Review | 06/15/2011 |
| Registered Professional’s Certification | 06/15/2011 |
| Operation and Maintenance Entity | 06/15/2011 |
Section 15.0 | As-Built | 12/20/2016 |
| Certification by Registered Professional of Record | 06/15/2011 |
| Certification by Registered Professional Landscape Architect | 06/15/2011 |
| SJC Subdivision As-built Drawing Requirements | 06/15/2011 |
| SJC Commercial As-built Drawing Requirements | 06/15/2011 |
| Multi Use Application (Optional As-Built) | 12/20/2016 |
Section 16.0 | Subdivision Plat | 04/22/2017 |
| Application for Subdivision Plat | 08/24/2015 |
| Plat Review Checklist | 08/22/2017 |
Section 16.A.0 | Optional Preliminary Subdivision Plan | 04/22/2017 |
| Application | 10/01/2015 |
Section 17.0 | Clearance Sheet | 02/03/2017 |
| Clearance Sheet Application | 02/03/2017 |
| Certification of Finished Floor Elevation | 02/03/2017 |
| Residential Site Plan Application Check List/Requirements | 12/07/2012 |
| Residential Site Plan | 12/07/2012 |
| SJC Tree Inch Worksheet Application | 12/07/2012 |
Section 18.0 | Special Uses | 02/20/2013 |
| Application for Special Use | 06/25/2013 |
| Owners Authorization | 08/30/2011 |
| Adjacent Property Owners List Request Form To be Completed Upon a Scheduled Hearing Date | 06/25/2012 |
Section 19.0 | Temporary Uses | 08/30/2011 |
| Application for Administrative Temporary Use | 08/30/2011 |
| Application for Temporary Use | 06/25/2013 |
| Special Event Signage Form | 12/29/2011 |
Section 20.0 | Zoning Variances | 12/17/2012 |
| Application for Zoning Variance | 06/25/2013 |
| Owners Authorization | 06/25/3013 |
| Adjacent Property Owners List Request FormTo be Completed Upon a Scheduled Hearing Date | 06/25/2012 |
Section 21.0 | Non-Zoning Variances | 12/17/2012 |
| Application for Non-Zoning Variance | 06/25/2013 |
| Owners Authorization | 08/30/2011 |
| Adjacent Property Owners List Request Form To Be Completed Upon a Scheduled Hearing Date | 06/25/2012 |
Section 22.0 | Small Adjustments | 12/17/2012 |
| Application for Small Adjustment | 06/25/2013 |
| Owners Authorization | 08/30/2011 |
Section 23.0 | Minor Modifications | 08/15/2012 |
| Application for Minor Modification | 06/25/2013 |
| Owners Authorization | 08/30/2011 |
| Adjacent Property Owners List Request Form To be Completed Upon a Scheduled Hearing Date | 06/25/2012 |
Section 24.0 | Major Modifications | 04/20/2015 |
| Application for Major Modification | 06/25/2013 |
| Owners Authorization | 08/30/2011 |
| Adjacent Property Owners List Request Form To be Completed Upon a Scheduled Hearing Date | 06/25/2012 |
Section 25.0 | Administrative Review and Waiver | 06/25/2013 |
| Application for Administrative Review and Waiver (Use Mozilla Firefox to open this document or right-click on the link to save the form to your computer.) | 06/25/2013 |
| Owners Authorization | 08/30/2011 |
Section 26.0 | Appeals | 09/27/2011 |
| Application for Appeal | 08/30/2011 |
| Adjacent Property Owners List Request Form To be Completed Upon a Scheduled Hearing Date | 06/25/2012 |
Section 27.0 | Home Office, Rural Home Industry or All Other Non-Residential Uses | 11/14/2016 |
| Application for Home Office, Rural Home Industry or all other Non-Residential Uses | 11/14/2016 |
| Owners Authorization | 08/30/2011 |
Section 28.0 | Road Vacations | 05/01/2013 |
Section 29.0 | Plat Vacations | 07/02/2013 |
Section 30.0 | Right of Way Permitting | 06/16/2006 |
Section 31.0 | Sign Permits | 12/29/2011 |
| Billboard Survey Form (Use Mozilla Firefox to open this document or right-click on the link to save the form to your computer.) | 12/29/2011 |
| Application for Sign Permit | 12/29/2011 |
| Special Event Signage Form | 12/29/2011 |
Section 32.0 | Antenna (Communication) Tower | 07/24/2013 |
| Telecommunication Tower Checklist | 07/24/2013 |
| Application for Special Use | 06/25/2013 |
| Owners Authorization | 08/30/2011 |
Section 33.0 | NW Sector Community Meeting Notice Procedures | 08/23/2011 |
| Community Meeting Notice Affidavit | 11/18/2013 |
Section 34.0 | Family Farm Lot Determinations | 06/25/2013 |
| Family Farm Application | 06/25/2013 |
| Property Owners Affidavit (Use Mozilla Firefox to open this document or right-click on the link to save the form to your computer.) | 06/25/2013 |
| Family Member Affidavit (Use Mozilla Firefox to open this document or right-click on the link to save the form to your computer.) | 06/25/2013 |
Section 35.0 | Private Road Transfer to County Ownership | 06/16/2006 |
Section 36.0 | Vesting Determination | 07/01/2013 |
| Vesting Application | 07/01/2013 |
Section 37.0 | Impact Fees | 03/01/2011 |
| Multi-Use Agreement Application | 06/14/2019 |
Section 38.0 | Accessory Family Unit | 06/25/2013 |
| Application for Accessory Family Unit | 06/25/2013 |
| Property Owner Affidavit (Use Mozilla Firefox to open this document or right-click on the link to save the form to your computer.) | 06/25/2013 |
Section 39.0 | DRI Development Order Amendment | 08/18/2014 |
Section 40.0 | Oceanfront Right-Of-Way Bulkhead Permits | 12/14/2018 |
| Owner Authorization Form | 12/14/2018 |
| Bulkhead Release Form | 08/31/2018 |
| Restrictive Covenants | 08/31/2018 |
Section 41.0 | Coastal Lighting Requirements for New Construction | 04/05/2024 |