St. Johns County Recognized April 2024 as Sexual Assault Awareness Month

At the April 2, 2024, St. Johns County Board of County Commissioners Regular Meeting, Sarah Arnold, Board Chair, District 2 issued a proclamation recognizing April 2024 as Sexual Assault Awareness Month. Representatives from Betty Griffin Center attended the meeting to receive the proclamation.

Sexual Assault Awareness Month serves as a reminder that sexual violence affects communities profoundly, posing public health concerns. Statistics reveal one in six boys and one in four girls experience sexual assault before turning 18, while one in six women and one in 16 men encounter sexual assault during their college years.

Despite these statistics, there remains hope. With proactive leadership, unwavering dedication, and widespread encouragement, there exists compelling evidence that communities can effectively combat sexual violence. Through initiatives like prevention education, heightened awareness, and holding perpetrators accountable for their actions, we can work towards reducing incidents of sexual violence.

The Betty Griffin Center stands firmly behind these efforts, endorsing the collaborative approach of national, state, and local partners alongside every citizen’s active participation. By fostering open dialogues about sexual violence prevention, supporting survivors in accessing essential services, and promoting societal unity in addressing this issue, significant strides can be made.

Additionally, representatives from the Betty Griffin Center announced the establishment of a Rape Care Unit at Ascension Hospital, further expanding their support network for survivors. They also reiterated the availability of their care unit at Flagler Hospital, serving as a vital resource for those affected by sexual violence in the community.

For those seeking further information and resources, the official website of the Betty Griffin Center serves as a valuable resource.

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