Affordable Housing Advisory Committee

The Affordable Housing Advisory Committee (AHAC) reviews established policies and procedures, ordinances, land development regulations and adopted local government comprehensive plan to recommend specific action or initiatives to encourage or facilitate affordable housing while protecting the ability of the property to appreciate in value.


Affordable Housing Advisory Committee Report to Board – Per F.S. 420.9076

In accordance with F.S. 420.9076, this committee was established by County Ordinance 2008-29, Resolution 2008-177 and resolution 2010-92. The committee is comprised of eleven (11) members appointed for a four-year term (after an initial staggering of terms) except the Housing Finance Authority Representative and Planning & Zoning Agency Representative whose terms run concurrent with their terms on the respective boards. Triennially, the advisory committee shall review the established policies and procedures, ordinances, land development regulations, and adopted local government comprehensive plan of the appointing local government and shall recommend specific actions or initiatives to encourage or facilitate affordable housing while protecting the ability of the property to appreciate in value.

Meetings, Minutes and Agendas

Affordable Housing Advisory Committee meetings are held on the third Wednesday of every month at 3:00 p.m. in the Muscovy Conference room, located in the St. Johns County Health & Human Services Building, 200 San Sebastian View, St. Augustine.

Board Members

Gregory Burke
District: 2
Term: 1
Position: Member
Requirement: Residential Home Building Industry
Term Expires: 03/16/25
Michael (HFA) O’Donnell
District: 5
Term: 1
Position: HFA Representative Requirement: HFA
Chair/Advocate for low-income persons
Term Expires: 2/20/28
Drew Geisel
District: 2
Term: 1
Position: Member
Requirement: SJC Resident
Term Expires: 8/06/28
Ann Taylor
District 5
Term: 1
Position: County Commissioner
Requirement: SJC Resident
Term Expires: 11/25/28
Polly Crabtree
District: 5
Term: Partial
Position: Member
Requirement: Citizen Rep Essential Service Personnel
Term Expires: 3/16/25
Judy Speigel
District: 2
Term: 1
Position: PZA Representative Requirement: Citizen actively serving on local planning agency
Term Expires: 10/10/27
Bill Lazar
District: 3
Term: 3
Position: Vice-Chair
Requirement: Non-Profit Affordable Housing Provider
Term Expires: 8/17/25
Harry Maxwell
District: 3
Term: 3
Position: Member
Requirement: For Profit Affordable Housing Provider
Term Expires: 8/17/25
Karl F. Vierck
District: 3
Term: 1
Position: Member
Requirement: Real Estate Professional
Term Expires: 8/17/25
Alexander Mansur
District: 5
Term: 2
Position: Chair
Requirement: Area of Labor in Home Building
Term Expires: 5/17/26
Orville Dothage
District: 5
Term: 1
Position: Member
Requirement: Banking/Mortgage Banking Industry
Term Expires: 2/21/27